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IAS Awards

IAS Awards provide up to £2,500 to support the development of new interdisciplinary research ideas & collaborations which will open up new funding streams, research outputs and impact. We particularly encourage ambitious and innovative ventures that are not yet at the stage where they can be funded externally. Applications are welcomed on a rolling deadline.

Scheme Objectives

IAS awards will support the development of new, interdisciplinary research ideas and research-related outputs which advance the mission of IAS. It is intended that these awards are used to undertake more speculative activities that could not yet be funded from other sources but which will establish new interdisciplinary collaborations and help refine the ideas that will lay the foundation for future funding bids to support the longer term development new research at Warwick.

Applications involving partners outside Warwick are welcomed, but it is expected that longer term outputs (such as grants and publications) enabled by the award should have significant benefit to Warwick.

Examples of previously supported activities are given below. This is not meant to limit scope and we encourage new approaches.

  • Meetings of interdisciplinary groups at Warwick to explore new research ideas.
  • Building Warwick-centred research networks with critical mass around a new topic.
  • Preliminary research work for research council and other grant applications.
  • Bringing external expertise to Warwick for short term visits or workshops to help establish new ideas and collaborations

It is expected that the activities proposed will take place at Warwick or a Warwick facility such as Venice or the Shard but we will consider activities for other sites if the case is strong.

Applications are assessed on the basis of alignment with IAS mission, quality of planned activities, quality of proposed outputs and value for money (For IAS Fellows, how the proposed activity supports the development of a research career will also be considered) . They will be assessed by non-specialist reviewers.

Applicants wishing to develop proposals are welcome to make enquiries about their proposed activities ahead of a formal application.

Applications which focus on a single applicant or discipline are unlikely to be funded as are applications to support the running of already established conferences


The scheme is only open to staff based at Warwick. The Principal Applicant must be a permanent (including probationary) member of Warwick academic staff, or holder of an externally funded individual fellowship, the duration of which extends beyond the proposed activity. Applications may include co-investigators, either from Warwick or other institutions. IAS Fellows who hold a EUTOPIA-SIF, Early Career or Associate Fellowship are also eligible to apply as Principal Applicant.


You can apply for any amount to support your activity up to £2,500 per application, but all budgets need to be justified and comply with Warwick's financial procedures. IAS funding can be used in conjunction with other funding to support a larger activity.

Applications can be submitted at any time but will be reviewed once per month so applicants may not hear about the outcome for up to six weeks depending on the timing of the submission

Application Procedure

Please complete the following:
  1. Fill in the online Equal Opportunities surveyLink opens in a new window 
  2. Download the Application Form,Link opens in a new windowand complete it fully making it has been signed by HoD.
  3. Complete the form and upload the document below.

If you are unsure whether your activity would be suitable for an IAS Award, please contact the IAS at opens in a new window.