Exam 2008

Numbering of sections in the online lecture notes is slightly different to numbering in the printed notes.
The content is the same, except that the online version has an extra section in Chapter 5, called Quotient
Spaces as Manifolds. The following refers to the numbering in the online version.

Examinable material

Chapters 1-4 of the lecture notes except Section 2.5, The Stability of Transverse Intersections.

From Chapter 5, Sections 5.1, 5.2, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6. This includes the extra section, Quotient Spaces as Manifolds.

The material on Differential Forms (Chapter 6) is not part of this year's course.

You are expected to know the material in the Appendices - it's a prerequisite for the course.