My interest in problem-solving began by working with the text-book Thinking Mathematically by Mason with Burton and Stacey. University undergraduate mathematics traditionally involves learning theories, with little creative work until graduate level. Yudariah Yusof inr her PhD thesis, considers the attitudes of students to learning mathematics and solving problems. It shows how exposure to a problem-solving course increases positive attitudes as desired by the students' teachers, but when the students return to standard mathematics courses, some of the effect is reversed.

1990c Misguided Discovery, Mathematics Teaching, 132 27-29.
1994b (with Yudariah Bt Mohammed Yusof), Changing Attitudes to Mathematics through Problem Solving, Proceedings of PME 18, Lisbon, IV, 401-408.
1995c (with Yudariah Binte Mahommad Yusof), Professors’ perceptions of students’ mathematical thinking: Do they get what they prefer or what they expect? In L. Meira & D. Carraher, (Eds.), Proceedings of PME 19, Recife, Brazil, II, 170-177.
1996g (with Yudariah b. Muhammad Yusof), Conceptual and Procedural Approaches to Problem Solving, Proceedings of PME 20, Valencia, 4, 3-10.
1999h (with Yudariah Binte Mohd Yusof), Changing Attitudes to University Mathematics through Problem-solving, Educational Studies in Mathematics, 37, 67-82.

last modified: Tuesday, February 11, 2003